Chrome Extension Developer

Chrome Extensions or Apps Published By qii404

App Count: 3

Publisher: qii404

Extensions or Apps Offered by qii404

Crx4Chrome includes 3 extensions from the developer qii404.

关键词双击高亮 (Highlight Word When Double Click) crx 0.1.6 for Chrome

关键词双击高亮 (Highlight Word When Double Click)

About: Double click on a word, the other same words in the page are automatically highlighted...

屏蔽百度推广 crx 0.1.0 for Chrome


About: 为了你,为了你的家人在百度搜索的时候不至于被广告所蒙蔽...

答题小助手 crx 0.0.9 for Chrome


About: 答题小助手,支持市面上大多数答题APP如冲顶大会,百万英雄,花椒直播,芝士超人,祝你早日冲顶~...
