Chords & Lyrics

Chords & Lyrics 9 CRX for Google Docs

A Free Productivity Add-on

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Chords & Lyrics (pddijoacfjdnjaflkeeldikcnmclhcop): Chords & Lyrics allows users to unified text, highlight all chord findings and transpose all the chords by predefined interval.... Read More > or Download Now >

Chords & Lyrics for Google Docs

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7.41 KB

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Tech Specs

  • • Type: Google Docs Add-on
  • • Latest Version: 9
  • • Price: Freeware
  • • Offline: No
  • • Developer:

User Reviews

  • 15 Votes, Average: 3.3 out of 5
  • • Rating Average
  • 3.3 out of 5
  • • Rating Users
  • 15

Download Count

  • • Total Downloads
  • 23
  • • Current Version Downloads
  • 18
  • • Updated: October 8, 2018

Chords & Lyrics is a free Productivity Add-on for Google Docs. You could download the latest version crx file or old version crx files and install it.

More About Chords & Lyrics

Chords & Lyrics allows to format text (unified font, size, decoration), highlight all founded chords and transpose whole chords by predefined interval.

Text Format:
This feature unified the font by the ones with the same length for easier chord placing above the text. Changed color can be reversed to its default value by clicking at the default button.

Keep bold text means that function won't reset the weight of entire text and keep the bold text as is. Otherwise all the font weight will be set to normal for each word.

Keep italic text means that function won't reset the entire text from italic to normal and keep italic text as is.

This feature does not change the content of the document, only its format including superscript and subscript removal (changs to normal alignment). A part of the clearing feature is chnaging tabs into spaces.

Chords Format:
This feature find all chords in the text and highlight them by the predefined color. It also sets the chords as bold if the option is checked.

This feature does not change the content of the document, only its format.

Choose origin dominant chord (left drop down menu) and the transposed one (right drop down menu) and transpose all chords by this interval.

For more precission transpose there are two options how to pre-set the final results:

Set whether the final half-tones will be set as "#" or "b" (Use # for half-tones or Use b for half-tones)
Set whether the final chords will be named by American tags (H tone is B) or not (H tone is used)
This feature changes the content of the document! For that reason there is also a possibility to see log of the all changes in the document. By clicking at the Show Log button the alert window appeared with the infomration about all the changes in the document. Make sure that you check the changes right after the process is done as the log will be always deleted once the add-on is closed. If the transpose process is repeated the log data will show all the changes in order (with the respective data and time information when each transpose started).

Thank you use the Chords & Lyrics tool. In case of any problem or issue please send me some details about that to fix it. Also I will appreciate if you send me any feedback regarding the using this tool (please use comment in the Add-ons Google list).

All the changes can be reversed by Google Doc option File -> Undo in the main menu so be free to try the tool with no wories.

------ version 3 (1.1) -------
FIXED: Some chords was transposed more than one times during one round
FIXED: If new chord length is higher or lower the chord stays on its position (if there is a space for it)
UPDATED: Google UI Style design of sidebar
KNOWN ISSUES: For some phrases are evaluated as a chord if it's in similar format

------ version 4 (1.2) -------
RESOLVED: For some phrases are evaluated as a chord if it's in similar format: Newly there is an option (default checked) that allows transposing only these chords that have as the same color and bold/normal font as the predefined ones in the Chord format section. To avoid the issue please highlight chords, then check the document and change format back to text one for all the lyrics that have been marked as chord. Then transpose the chords.

------ version 5 (1.3) -------
FIX: Transpose major chords with defined bass tones (such as F/E, C/H etc.). Previous version did not recognize these type of chords.

------ version 6 (1.4) -------
FIX: Previous version did not recognize minor chords with bass tone such as Ami/F#

------ version 7 (1.5) -------
UDPATE: Added function "Clear text" to clear text formating for fully chords recognition. This feature select only the text from the content and deletes the rest of all other types such as images, tables, text styles etc. This will prepare the text for the other features such as Chords Format or Transition.

------ version 8 (1.51) -------
UDPATE: Include + and - chords into the processes (transpose and highlights for C+, D- etc.)

------ version 9 (1.52) -------
BUG FIX: When a row contains only one letter - dominant chord then the checking the style threw error.

Download Chords & Lyrics 9

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